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Every White House administration loves to talk about infrastructure. They just haven’t done a whole heck of a lot about it. Finally, it looks like Americans might actually see some real progress. The Senate just passed a bipartisan $1.2 trillion (with a “t”) infrastructure package. Granted, it still has to pass in the House. And there’s a lot of sparring going on in Washington. If it does become law, how can additional infrastructure spending benefit you? It’s going to generate a lot of construction waste for recycling – and an increased need for dirt. Let us explain.
What’s in the Infrastructure Bill?
First let’s review some of the spending in the new infrastructure bill that could translate into more waste and greater dirt demand. We’ve pulled out the spending that we believe could provide more opportunities across the country.
- $110 billion for roads and bridges.
- $55 billion for water infrastructure including $10 billion for chemical cleanup.
- $21 billion for environmental cleanup such as superfund and brownfield sites, abandoned mines, and old oil and gas wells.
Fixing our roads and bridges, in part, will mean tearing up asphalt and concrete. There’s going to be a lot of waste to recycle. Water infrastructure may increase the need for engineered soils. New roads can bring beautification to areas – in the form of commercial landscaping. Where there is landscaping there is a need for blended and structured soils. Engineered soils may be used for environmental cleanup projects.
Getting Into the Soil Business
We’ve done a couple articles about making money in both the soil blending and engineered and structured soil business.
There’s a reason we keep talking to you about dirt and making money: it’s relatively inexpensive to get started or expand into a soil-related business. If this infrastructure bill passes, we believe it will increase the need for these types of soil.
A Recap on Soils
Just a quick recap on the different soils:
Engineered soils are a mix of sand, silt, clay, and other organic ingredients. They are typically used to control water flow.
Structured soils are generally used to deal with soil compaction and include sand-based (SBSS) and gravel-based (GBSS).
Blended soils are a mix of organic material, such as compost, and soil of various types. You can create special blends for different types of plants.
Finding Construction Projects
One way to find customers is to find construction projects in your area. There are several ways to do this including:
Sign Up With SAM
Register your business on the SAM.gov website. You can search for contracting opportunities. It can get a bit confusing because there is so much information provided. But you can get help including online chat.
Construction Bidding Sites
Sign up and search construction bidding sites such as BidClerk. You pay a monthly subscription fee for access.
Contact the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO). You can find contact information for the procurement office in your state. They can provide information on doing business with the state.
Go Local
Contact your local city and county officials for information on local construction projects. You can start here: https://www.usa.gov/local-governments.
Don’t Be Shy
To drum up business, you need to network. A good place to start is your local chamber of commerce. Have your business card ready to hand out (yes, people still use them). Also call local landscapers and ask how you can help them.
It Only Takes One
If you see a future in the soils business, there is one machine that only takes one person to operate it. The Terra XTREME machine pulverizes, aerates, and blends. One worker, one loader, and one pass through to create various soil products for many different types of customers.
Terra XTREME Models
There are several Terra XTREME models to choose from and the manufacturer, Murphy Products, can help you select the right machine to get you started in the soils business.
Environmental Terra XTREME
The Environmental model is highway legal and can easily be hauled behind a one ton truck. Operations in the field require only a single person and a loader.
Terra XTREME 4240
The 4240 is designed to handle a wide range of materials. The 4240 is the largest, fastest model offered by Murphy Products for soil material handling. Combined with the optional features, this model will process the worst of soils into a fine, free flowing usable soil product.
Let’s all cross our fingers and toes that this latest infrastructure bill will become law. But even if it doesn’t, there will still be a need for soils in the construction industry. All our tips on how to find projects and customers will help you start – or expand – your soils business. Another helpful resource is Murphy Products. They manufacture and sell the Terra XTREME, but they love to talk about the soils business and are happy to answer your questions.
View the complete article here.
How can I benefit from the new infrastructure spending bill in terms of soil-related business?
The infrastructure bill, with allocations for roads, bridges, water infrastructure, and environmental cleanup, could increase the demand for soils in construction projects, providing opportunities for soil-related businesses.
How can I find construction projects and customers for my soil-related business?
You can find construction projects and customers by registering on platforms like SAM.gov, exploring construction bidding sites, contacting the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO), reaching out to local city and county officials, and networking with local chambers of commerce and landscapers.